ACI Dealing Certificate Training 01-05 December 2019
“A first step towards ACI Diploma”
Course Duration:
5 Days
Program Outline:
The ACI Dealing Certificate Training is a foundation program that allows candidates to acquire a working knowledge of the structure and operation of the major foreign exchange and money markets, including the ability to apply the fundamental mathematics used in these markets, and their core products (cash, forwards and derivatives), and the basic skills required for competent participation,
Candidates should also be able to apply The Model Code to their situation.
The ACI Dealing Certificate is the ‘benchmark’ examination for treasury personnel and for those whose work requires an understanding of the workings of the treasury department of their organization.
Who should attend:
Traders, Treasury Sales & Marketing; Asset Managers and Compliance officers requiring a better understanding of the financial markets.
Number of participants:
25 candidates on “first come first serve” policy.
We are limited to 25 participants; priority will be given to the ACI members & for the first 25 registered and paid applicants.
Date: December 1st to December 5th, 2019 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM